Due to the unusual high number of attempted fraudulent use of credit card from other countries we have implemented a structure that will thereby curtail this harmful activity.
We regret this inconvenience but this is the only way our card processor will accept outside of the USA orders paid with credit card.
Our unique “Traffic Tracking System” allow us to monitor the IP address from the incoming order.
The Bill To: and Ship To: address must be to the same location.
Orders outside of the USA that are placed from a “Free mail” account (Yahoo, G-mail, Hotmail etc.) will not be processed for payment with a credit card.
- Only Visa and Master Card will be processed from orders outside of the USA.
- Photocopy of front and back of valid drivers license.
- Photocopy of front and back of credit card to be used.
- Signed authorized card use letter and
- Name, address and phone number of bank that card is drawn from.
We truly regret this action but it is the only way to ensure that we are not involved in any unlawful credit card fraud transactions.